Oligo Boron 15%

Boron role in the plant:

  • Boron plays a vital role in the growth of the pollen tube, which increases the pollination and setting for all flowers
  • The boron prevents the formation of small grains in the grapes (shoot berry)
  • Boron increases the efficiency of plant absorption of water (water-shortage resistance)
  • Boron plays an important role in the stage of cell division in plants and fruits, which increases the volume of fruits
  • The boron works on speeding the movement of calcium in the plant especially in conditions of difficulty in absorption of calcium, which is a low evaporation of the bark (high temperature – increase the humidity of the air or ground)
  • Boron works on speeding of sugar transferring from leaves to fruits
  • Molybdenum has an important role in reducing nitrate NO3 to ammonia NH4 within the plant also has an important role in phosphorus metabolism
  • Boron has a relationship with plant hormones that affect the growth of the tops of stems and roots in cooperation with calcium

Packet available


Bourne 15% + 0.7% Molybdenum (chelated on Ethanol Amine)

Methods and indications of use

In the case of nutrition from 100 - 200 cm / 100 liters of water

The throne is finished from 750 - 1000 cm / feddan