Macro nutrients
N | 6 |
N-NO3 | 3.82 |
N-NH4 | 2.18 |
N-NH2 | 0 |
P2O5 | 6 |
K2O | 43 |
Methods and rates of use:
(tomatoes - cucumber pepper - cantaloupe - ,,,,,,) all fertilization.
- Newly planted trees: 25 - 50 g / tree per week and a total rate of 1-3 kg in the season.
- Ripe fruit trees: 75-100 g / tree per week with a total of 3-5 kg per season.
- Ornamental plants: 2-3 g / l water and watering plants and repeat rate every two weeks.
- Foliar spraying: 2-4 g / l water for different crops.
- Pivot spraying: 3 - 4 kg / acres / addition.