Water Soluble Powder compound that leaves no residue, extracted from humic substances and reinforced with some activated additives
increases the efficiency of water storage in the root area of the soil
Chelates the fertilizing nutrients and prevent washing with irrigation water, thereby reducing the amount of fertilizer consumed..Besides converting the nutrients to a soft image of absorption
Preserves soil content of Beneficial Micro Organisms and increases their rate by increasing soil fertility
- Total Humic Extracts 65%
-Humic acids 51%
-Fulvic acids 14%
- Potassium dissolved in water Potassium Oxide (K2O) water soluble 4-8%
- pH 7
Rates of use: (addition by irrigation only)
In general, add 4-6 kg / fed (from the beginning of the growth season to maturity)
In the case of the addition of organic matter or compost..Add at the rate of 10 kg / fed (from the beginning of the growth season to maturity)