Van Iperen NPK 19-19-19

The fertilizer is soluble which makes it suitable for all irrigation systems.

Better than mono fertilizer, no loss of use.

Free of chlorine, sodium and heavy elements (found in some compound fertilizers)

Packet available


N 19
N-NO3 2.4
N-NH4 3.62
N-NH2 12.98
P2O5 19
K2O 19

Methods and rates of use:

(tomatoes - cucumber pepper - cantaloupe - ,,,,,,) all fertilization.

- Newly planted trees: 25 - 50 g / tree per week and a total rate of 1-3 kg in the season.

- Ripe fruit trees: 75-100 g / tree per week with a total of 3-5 kg ​​per season.

- Ornamental plants: 2-3 g / l water and watering plants and repeat rate every two weeks.

- Foliar spraying: 2-4 g / l water for different crops.

- Pivot spraying: 3 - 4 kg / acres / addition.